Do Drawers Differently
You've probably heard pros & cons about Marie Kondo's books The Life‐Changing Magic of Tidying Up and Spark Joy. My advice is to cherry‐pick the ideas that work for your life. For me, one useful tip was to fold clothes vertically in dresser drawers. I love being able to see everything (& fit more in).
Don't Be HyperPrepared
Try to remind yourself: "I don't have to be hyper‐prepared," when trying to downsize an I‐might‐need‐this‐someday item; "I can be resourceful instead." This gem is from the Susan Pinsky, author of Fast and Furious 5 Step Organizing. We can borrow, repurpose, or buy to fill the need, or go without.
It's a relief!
Get Safe & Simple Photo Storage
Bonnie Hillman Shay of Mariposa Creative Solutions is a photo‐organizing guru, & if she says these photo boxes are high‐quality & a good deal, I'm sold. Photos getting sticky in plastic bins & or bent in flimsy envelopes? Protect them in these large (but not too large) archival boxes. Even if they're not organized yet, they'll be safe.
Give with Less Junk Mail
This is two tips in one: Charity Navigator tells you how reputable a charity is so you can be confident that your donation will be used well. They also offer this helpful advice for reducing those millions of solicitations you get in the mail after you've done your good deed.
Get Organized in April & May
I'm currently scheduling onsite organizing sessions in the Detroit & Chicago areas ‐‐ as well as phone/Skype sessions anywhere in the world ‐‐ for April & May. Call or email to find your best time. (My Michigan & virtual schedules are the most flexible. For sessions in Chicagoland, check this link for availability.)
We'll identify your trouble spots, break them down into manageable steps, work through them, & keep in touch to help you maintain your progress.
Festival for Women with ADHD: May in Michigan If you or someone you love is a woman with ADHD, celebrate the fact at the Better Together Festival. This May 14 event (near Ann Arbor, MI) is hosted by the godmother of all women with ADHD, Sari Solden, who wrote the groundbreaking Women with Attention Deficit Disorder 20 years ago. The book has meant confidence, hope, & a path forward for millions of women. I'm going with a bunch of organizers & clients & expect to learn from speakers & have fun with many wonderful women.